Tillage Equipment

Square Agricot Roller

Agricot Hydraulic Roller Cart, 40', Fold Foward, 18" Rings, Extra Axles

Square Broemeling Danish Tine Cart

Broemeling Hydraulic Cart, 50', Danish Tine Sections

Square Calkins 4X4

Calklins 4X4 Field Cultivator Frame, 42', Harrow

Square Calkins 4X4 Cultivator

Calkins 4X4 Field Cultivator, 36'

Square Calkins 4X4 Cultivator

Calkins 4X4 Field Cultivator, 36', 5 Bar Flex Harrow, Liquid Fertilizer Kit, Chrome Alloy Points, Danish Tine Shanks On 6" Centers

Square Calkins 4X4 Cultivator

Calkins 4X4 Field Cultivator, 36', Calkins 3 Bar Tine Harrow

Square Calkins Cultaweeder

Calkins Cultaweeder, 36', EDKA Mfg Rear Hitch, 5 Bar Flex Harrow

Square Case IH MRX690

Case IH MRX690 Disk Ripper, 7 Shank, 22.5-23.25" Blades

Square EDKA Springtooth

EDKA Hydraulic Springtooth Cart, 50', Danish Tine, 5 Bar Flex Harrow

Square EDKA Springtooth

EDKA Hydraulic Springtooth Cart, 50', McFarlane 5 Bar Flex Harrow

Square Flexicoil Harrow Cart

Flexicoil Hydraulic Harrow Cart, 60', 10 Bar McFarlane Flex Harrow, 4-4.5" Tines

Square Heavy Harrow

Shopbuilt Heavy Harrow, 28', 16" tines, With Lift Bars.

Square International #55

International #55 Chisel Plow, 16', Twisted Shovels

Square JD 2410 Frame

John Deere 2410 Chisel Outer Frame Pieces @ $2,000 ea

Square John Deere 1000 Field Cultivator

John Deere 1000 Field Cultivator, 36', Dyko Chrome Alloy Points, Morris Tine Harrow

Square John Deere 1520

John Deere 1520 Tandem Disk, 18', 22.25-22.5" Blades

Square John Deere 3710

John Deere 3710 Moldboard Plow, 10 Bottoms, Spring Reset.

Square McGregor Harrow

McGregor Hydraulic Heavy Harrow Cart, 40', Includes Full Set Of New Tines

Square McGregor Harrow Cart

McGregor Hydraulic Harrow Cart, 50', 7 Bar Flex Harrow, AgPro 185D Airbox

Square Soil Saver

Soil Saver, 24', Extra Center Section

Square Wilrich 2500

Wilrich 2500 Field Cultivator, 42', 5 Bar Flex

Square Wilrich 2900

Wilrich 2900 Moldboard Plow, 10 Bottoms, International Bottoms, Spring Resets, Chrome Alloy Landslide Pads

Square Wilrich 2900

Wilrich 2900 Plow, 10 Bottoms, IH Bottoms, Trash Boards, Spring Reset

Square Wilrich 2900

Wilrich 2900 Moldboard Plow, 10 Bottoms, IH Bottoms, Trashboards

Square Wilrich 2900

Wilrich 2900 Plow, 9 Bottoms, Spring Reset, International Bottoms

Square Wilrich Chisel Plow

Wilrich Chisel Plow, 22', Double Fold.

Square Wilrich Cultivator

Wilrich Field Cultivator, 32', Plumbed For Liquid Fertilizer, Tine Harrow

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Site last updated on September 10, 2024